Schwimmbad_11323 (Kopie) (Large)


täglich 09.00 – 24.00 Uhr


Unsere Preise:

von Montag bis Freitag
2-Stunden-Karte: 21,50€
4-Stunden-Karte: 28,50€
Tages-Karte: 36,50€

an Wochenenden, Feiertagen, in den Weihnachtsferien & für Gutscheine
2-Stunden-Karte: 23,50€
4-Stunden-Karte: 31,50€
Tages-Karte: 39,50€





Quellen Therme: täglich geöffnet von 7.30 bis 22.00 Uhr
Saunalandschaft: Montag bis Freitag 15.00 bis 22.00 Uhr
Samstag und Sonntag 12.00 bis 22.00 Uhr
Lange Saunanacht:
jeden Mittwoch bis 00.00 Uhr
mit textilfreiem Schwimmen ab 21.00 Uhr
Sauna_11945 (Kopie)
Physio_12145 (Large) (Kopie)




Therapie, Kur und Präventionen für Ihre Gesundheit ...

• Umfangreiche Therapie- und Kurangebote: Krankengymnastik,
  Massagen, Mineral- und Sprudelbäder, Elektrotherapie,
  Natur-Heil-Fango, Inhalationstherapie, Bewegungstherapie
• Heilmittel bedürfen einer ärztlichen Verordnung. Die Quellen-
  Therme BetriebsGmbH ist aufgrund gesondert vereinbarter
  Leistungen und Preise berechtigt, mit allen gesetzlichen
  Krankenkassen Heilmittel abzurechnen. Die Heilmittel sind
  beihilfefähig nach den für Beamten geltenden Vorschriften.
• Prävention/Gesundheitsförderung: Aqua Bodyfit, Aqua Rückenfit,
  Starker Rücken, Yoga, Wirbelsäulengymnastik, Nordic Fitwalk


Liebevoll gestaltete Therme mit kleinem Schwimmbecken und Außenbecken, welches aber nicht immer offen ist. Viele gemütliche Liegen, Whirlpool, Sauna im Untergeschoss.Erlebnisdusche und als besonderes Plus: Die Salzgrotte.
Leider wurden die Eintrittspreise kürzlich nochmals angehoben . Die Tageskarte kostet nunmehr 17 Euro! In den Randstunden leider nur über Kassenautomat und Drehkreuz zu erreichen. Ausreichend Parkplätze vorm Haus und der größte Kurpark Europas!

Dampfbad, 60 grad Sauna, finnische Sauna mit 95 grad und einer Aussensauna mit knapp 80 grad. Toll dekorierte Ruheräume. Kleiner aussenbereich, der aber leider einsehbar von den Besuchern des textilen Bereiches ist. Es gibt noch einen Salzraum, in dem man salzhaltige Luft inhalieren kann.
Angeschlossen ist ein Göbel Hotel, von denen man direkt den Thermenbereich nutzen kann.
Trotz tollem Wetter und Samstag war die Therme nicht überfüllt. Bei sonnigen Wetter kann man eine Etage höher sich hinlegen. Leider kein FKK Bereich mehr.

Hier finden Sie Ruhe und Erholung pur. In beheizten Wasserbetten, auf angenehm gepolsterten Liegen und einem auf alle Sinne abgestimmten Ambiente können Sie sich vom Saunagang erholen und völlige Entspannung genießen.


We care about the citizens of Seattle, and take pride in serving them through good and bad times. We have a record breaking amount of won cases, and we can help you as well.

Criminal Law

If you have received a summons from the police, then you need legal help and advice from our Criminal Law department. Get in contact and we will work out a deal.

Civil Law

We deal with many civil law cases here at The City Lawyers. If you have non-criminal legal issues, our Civil Law lawyers can help you out. Call us for an appointment.

Family Law

Here at The City Lawyers, we specialize in cases under the Family Law section. Delicate divorce matters take up around 96% of all our annual cases.

Are you in need of professional legal help ?

Don't hesitate to contact The City Lawyers. We have helped many people in the same situations as you're probably in. We try to respond within two working days, but since we are a respected law firm, we do have very busy schedules. We hope to hear from you soon.

Meet The Team


Senior Partner
Danielle Martinez


Senior Partner
Vincent Rosewood


Senior Partner
Elisabeth Franklin


Robert Armstrong

Physio_12145 (Large) (Kopie)

Liza Keystone


Leroy Anderson


Our family has used The City Lawyers on many occasions and we have been very happy with the outcome of our cases. While I don't want to mention the legal issues we have faced, I can 100% recommend The City Lawyers if you need help with family law. 

There are law firms and there is The City Lawyers. They might not be the biggest law firm here in Seattle, but they are the best for sure. No matter what legal issues I have thrown at 'em, they have dealt with them in the best way possible.

I have been through eight divorces so far, and whenever I get married I make sure to book an appointment with The City Lawyers as statistics tell me I might need them. While they can't help me figuring out what is going wrong with my marriages, they sure know how to handle the settlements. I recommend TCL to all my friends.


We believe all legal cases are equally important, especially for the individual client.

Our company is needed in both good and bad situations in life, and we do whatever we can to make all cases a good experience no matter the subject. We look at our clients as people with genuine problems and do not measure their wallet before we look at their case.

Why Us?

There are many law firms, but our numbers prove we have a good thing going here at The City Lawyers. We respect our clients and they respect us, and that is what sets our company apart from others.

If you have questions regarding our company, you should give us a call. We will do everything possible to make sure we are the right fit for your case.

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

― Voltaire

Frequently Asked Questions


We won't brag about our clients/cases, but we feel really proud of what we have managed in a short amount of time. Yes, we treat our clients like people and they seem to like it.





909 Terra Street, Seattle, WA 98161
Tel: 701-946-7464

Fullscreen Fun with Beaver Builder

With Beaver Builder, you get a lot of options so you can create fullscreen web pages. Fullscreen sites look good, they create impact and with a natural flow, they are easy for the user to navigate.


Got something special to say ?

A fullscreen section is a great way to present something special. The big "canvas" will deliver your message and give it full attention.


Create Impact

Fullscreen sections are great for items that need some impact. Do you have a "call to action" that needs to work better, or, perhaps a news item that can't be missed. Well, put these into a fullscreen section and you're ready to go.

Background Options

There are several options if you want to spice up your fullscreen design. You can work with a single color or an image if you just want a static solution. If you want a bit of movement, you can choose between a parallax image, a slideshow or even a looping video.

Get Creative!

As you can see, there are many ways to use the fullscreen options built into Beaver Builder. And, now it's time for you to get creative and explore the possibilities.

The City Lawyers

We care about the citizens of Seattle, and take pride in serving them through good and bad times. We have a record breaking amount of won cases, and we can help you as well.

Criminal Law

If you have received a summons from the police, then you need legal help and advice from our Criminal Law department. Get in contact and we will work out a deal.

Civil Law

We deal with many civil law cases here at The City Lawyers. If you have non-criminal legal issues, our Civil Law lawyers can help you out. Call us for an appointment.

Family Law

Here at The City Lawyers, we specialize in cases under the Family Law section. Delicate divorce matters take up around 96% of all our annual cases.

Are you in need of professional legal help ?

Don't hesitate to contact The City Lawyers. We have helped many people in the same situations as you're probably in. We try to respond within two working days, but since we are a respected law firm, we do have very busy schedules. We hope to hear from you soon.

Meet The Team


Senior Partner
Danielle Martinez


Senior Partner
Vincent Rosewood


Senior Partner
Elisabeth Franklin


Robert Armstrong


Liza Keystone


Leroy Anderson


Our family has used The City Lawyers on many occasions and we have been very happy with the outcome of our cases. While I don't want to mention the legal issues we have faced, I can 100% recommend The City Lawyers if you need help with family law. 

There are law firms and there is The City Lawyers. They might not be the biggest law firm here in Seattle, but they are the best for sure. No matter what legal issues I have thrown at 'em, they have dealt with them in the best way possible.

I have been through eight divorces so far, and whenever I get married I make sure to book an appointment with The City Lawyers as statistics tell me I might need them. While they can't help me figuring out what is going wrong with my marriages, they sure know how to handle the settlements. I recommend TCL to all my friends.


We believe all legal cases are equally important, especially for the individual client.

Our company is needed in both good and bad situations in life, and we do whatever we can to make all cases a good experience no matter the subject. We look at our clients as people with genuine problems and do not measure their wallet before we look at their case.

Why Us?

There are many law firms, but our numbers prove we have a good thing going here at The City Lawyers. We respect our clients and they respect us, and that is what sets our company apart from others.

If you have questions regarding our company, you should give us a call. We will do everything possible to make sure we are the right fit for your case.

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

― Voltaire

Frequently Asked Questions


We won't brag about our clients/cases, but we feel really proud of what we have managed in a short amount of time. Yes, we treat our clients like people and they seem to like it.





909 Terra Street, Seattle, WA 98161
Tel: 701-946-7464